WYSIWYG Icons are not Showing and Quick reply icons are in column.
I have recently update VB to the latest version after recovering site from being hacked. Now everything seems fine but the icons in wysiwyg are are not appearing and the icons in quick reply are in one column. Same issue with forum statics info. How can I fix this problem ?
I have copied the sprite files in image/editor folder and in the theme folder as well but still nothing has changed and it was perfectly fine prior to the update.
You are missing the sprite.png file. It is looking here for it - http://www.inqelaab.org/images/evidgreenvb4/editor/sprite.png
You are also going to have problems because of your smilies. Smilies with invalid characters like ( and ) in them will need to be renamed - ie. images/smilies/=(.gif is going to cause issues.
There is still no sprite image at the url I posted that the site is looking for the sprite.png file to be located at.
You might have always had those smilies named like that, but I am telling you that they *will* cause problems with the editor if you do not fix the file names. But, if you want to not take my advice, there isn't really anything I can do about that.