you're asking about the admin menu of DownloadsII... you will have to ask in the product's related thread... you have to edit it's .xml admincp file to make it show where you need...
Questions/Problems regarding modifications/styles need to be asked in the modification/style thread. That is where the support for modification/style is - not out here in the main forums. Please note that if a modification/style is unsupported (or even if it says it is supported), you may be on your own if you chose to install it.
No, I cannot tell you as I have no idea. You need to ask for support in the modification thread. Period. If you don't get support, you have the option to uninstall it.
can you tell me what to edit in xml please I want download right above style and templates please
You have to ask there and maybe someone else who has the mod installed can help you. You have a way better chance of finding someone there then on the general forums, anyway.