Preventing RSS From Being Disabled When View Forum Set to No
In vBulletin when you set permissions to view a forum to "NO" the program is also configured to disable the RSS feed in that forum and any child forums. While I want to prevent any unregistered users from entering the forum, I would still like to be able to have RSS feeds enabled (or at least for the child forums) so the feeds can be streamed back via RSS to a LinkedIn group.
I was told by support at vBulletin that keeping the RSS feeds enabled can be done via the external.php file but do not know what to edit in the file. Seems like an easy edit of changing code from no to yes but just need to be pointed in the right direction.
I've tried to use the Advanced Permissions Based On Post Count hack posted on but am not able to get it to fully work on vB 4.08. If there is any easier fix, I'm open to hearing what it is.