I wish we had air conditioning. Last I checked, it was 102? outside.
Really? ... sounds like your living how I grew up with grandmaw... using a lot of fans . Grab a window unit at least for your bedroom or office they run around a $100 at Lowes / Home Depot however they are an eye sore on the outside of your house but have your hubby buy some good thick wood to replace those plastic extenders, if you do it right it can be very secure and look half decent with some paint - that's what I did at our old house as it was built in the late 1800's with 12 foot ceilings and huge windows so I had room for a larger A/C unit. We purchased our current home in 2008 and it already had the vents and setup but since it was a foreclosure they had ripped out all the pipes, the A/C unit, electrical wires and more etc but my wife did 90% of the painting, I did all the plumbing, electrical wiring i.e. breaker box, running new line from breaker box to the washer, replaced all outlets and installed ceiling fans in every room however I did not install the actual A/C unit under the house as I've never done that so I crawled under and watched to learn while he installed . TMI? Maybe but thought I would share .