Update - 11/28/2010 - Updated to 0.91 - Added 1 plugin for Breadcrumbs Update - 12/7/2010 - Updated to 0.92 - Added 2 plugins to work in Polls (Questions and Options) Update - 3/25/2012 - Updated to 0.97 - Completely re-coded, Now works virtually everywhere in a VB4 forum and suite (blogs, CMS, groups, etc...) - No longer compatible with VB 3.x. Update - 3/26/2012 - Fixed a couple of bugs relating to blogs and thread titles. Update - 4/28/2012 - FIxed bug for user title's in profiles Update - 4/29/2012 - FIxed usertitle's on member's list
[B]Live Demo: (Retired)
An all new version of my "Advanced [YOU] BBCode" mod, now completely compatible with the blogs, cms, and all other parts of the forum.
This mod creates the [YOU] BB-like-code. When someone types [YOU] in a post or thread or virtually anywhere else on the forum (if enabled) it gets changed to the username of the user currently viewing the page.
The mod allows you to specify a replacement to use for guests and users not logged in. The default is simply "you."
There are setting to allow the admin to enable and disable in the following areas:
Specific Forums (or all forums)
Visitor Messages
(Social) Groups
Picture Comments
Signatures (when viewed in posts or PMs)
User Titles (when viewed in the postbit)
You can also specify "Immune" usergroups who will always see [you] so as not to get confused, if you wish..
Also, maybe an option so only X usergroups/boards have it turned on, so instead of eliminating all the other boards/groups you can just grant permissions to one board. Anyways, <3 it.
I'd like to see an option so [you] only works in X threads.
Originally Posted by TrigZu
Also, maybe an option so only X usergroups/boards have it turned on, so instead of eliminating all the other boards/groups you can just grant permissions to one board. Anyways, <3 it.
I was back and forth on the issue of whether admins should specify the forums/usergroups to BLOCK or the forum/usergroups to ALLOW.
Ultimately I went with "Block" rather than "Allow" because on my own forum I have it enabled everywhere and for everyone.
It's a fairly simple edit to make in the plugins if you're so interested in changing the action from "Block" to allow...
If you go to your "Plugin Manager" in Admin CP... scroll down to the Advanced [YOU] BB Code plugins and edit EACH plugin...
At the top of each plugin is an IF statement:
PHP Code:
if ($vbulletin->options['adyoubop5_en'] == 1 AND !in_array($post[usergroupid], explode(',', $vbulletin->options['adyoubop5_users'] )) AND !in_array($thread['forumid'], explode(',', $vbulletin->options['adyoubop5_forums'] )) )
If you remove the two exclamation points (!) (one before each "in_array") you will convert the settings from BLOCKED usergroups/forums to ALLOWED usergroups/forums.
I will investigate an option for applying this to just a single thread... Though limiting it to 1 forum like above should help.
It has helped indeed. I'm going to go ahead and change that code now.
Perhaps rather than deciding whether or not to block or allow you could use both where blocks supersede allows. By doing so it might make the options menu slightly more confusing, but infinitely more versatile. Thanks for the reply.
It has helped indeed. I'm going to go ahead and change that code now.
Perhaps rather than deciding whether or not to block or allow you could use both where blocks supersede allows. By doing so it might make the options menu slightly more confusing, but infinitely more versatile. Thanks for the reply.
I saw the link in your post on the table code, and I must say as a guest at least reading "You" instead of "Unregistered" made it make at least some sense. Lots of LOLs to be had with this... we have some lengthy and funny [you] threads too, I didn't link because they all require registration to view.
I will definitely work on the options, maybe let the admin choose whether they are allowing OR blocking by forum/usergroup. Also wondering if user's not allowed to use it should see "[YOU]" or perhaps some sort for error message when submitting a post instead so they can't even try.
Didn't work for me. Breadcrumbs and Thread title on Forum Display were showing [you] instead of my name, or Lurker which I had used as a [you] replacement for guests.