I'm working on a new skin for my board. It will keep updating everyday as I accomplish more. This is kind of like a log of all of the stages I did before I took a quick break. You can read the official thread here:
Yes, I work on a lot of skins.
So I'm working on a brand new one for my gaming forum. I'm not going to stop making skins until I'm 100% happy with the outcome of one of them. I think this one may be the one.
Currently, this one is still in the Photoshop, and not coded. I decided to finish one on Photoshop, and have a professional code it for me later.
I'm going to work on this one in stages. So every once and a while, stop, save it, and post it here for you guys to review. This thread will keep updating until I get the finished product. I appreciate all comments.
Currently I'm starting with the header, and will work my way down from there. Please comment on all of my work below.
If you can't tell, the homepage button in the navigation is the one clicked. When you click on a new button, it will look like the homepage button does now.
Stage 1 (4:55 - 12/14/09):
Stage 2 (3:50 - 12/15/09):
Stage 3 (7:20 - 12/15/09):
Stage 4 (Unknown Time):
Coming Soon...
The next stage will be released soon, and as it is, I will update this thread as well.
Please give me constructive feedback on it.
Once it's all designed, my friend is going to code it up for me.