Problem with cookies and posts, how can I fix this?
I've had several users come to me complaining about this. I've looked all through the vBulletin settings but I can't find a way to fix this.
The Forum allows a member to log on even without their cookies turned on. This is a problem.
If you forget to turn cookies on, then write a post, it will be refused until you log on again. Then the post will be refused again since it was written after a previous logon. The post cannot stick, and is lost. I just spent two hours crafting a lovely exposition on my real-life experience with some methistos, and it is GONE. No way at all to post it or save it. Words in the wind...................
So, I recommend that logon should not function without cookies enabled. Most sites and messageboards require this, and it is probably already a setting built in to this messageboard program