Hello, I recently upgraded to 3.7.3 and my forum was overrun by errors. The shoutbox wouldn't work and no one could post anything, almost everything was broken. I ended up reverting back to 3.7.0 and I have this error when I log into the control panel.
1)How do I fix that? And please spell it out for someone who doesn't know this stuff very well at all. Thank you.

2) I also get the same error when I delete a post even though it deletes it, I have to use my back button to get out of the error.
Then, after this is fixed.. should I upgrade one step at a time? By that I mean, should I go from 3.7.0 to 3.7.1 and so forth? And when do I stop? Which version is the
real last gold upgrade? The 3.7.3 was total crap for a gold release and it caused me all kinds of headaches and I don't want to go through that again. Any advice would be welcome.