How do I give a moderator permissions in another subforum ...
without making him a moderator there???
In other words, he is a mod in subforum X of forum 1 and I want him to be able to edit his posts (etc.) in subforum Y of forum 2 without making him an offical mod there?
i would make a new user group and put only that user in it.. and then go to forum permissions and make it so that that group has permission to edit posts in there
i dont believe it will if you just make it a additional user group of his. just dont make it his main user group.. leave him in moderaters and just click on whatever new user group you make for him under the additional user groups section.. which you can find in the area where you edit his account/profile after search for user
Dave, you just made my day. I don't know how to thank you, buddy . I wish there were reputation points to add to your profile! But, anyway, feel the joy .
Ok, I have setup a new secondary usergroup (based on the moderators group), prevented it from accessing all forums, except the subforum where I want them to have complete access, and added that given moderator to it...but still, he can't edit his posts . What have I missed???!!!