It would be work, so we wouldn't want to do it more than once every six months or so, but the idea goes like this - based on MTV's Pimp My Ride.
Board owners submit essays on why they should be chosen. Somehow the essays are judged (TBD). Then we coders and graphics artists 'pimp' their board. We'd need artists volunteers, and coder volunteers, and someone to organize, etc. etc...
As I said, it would be work, but it sounds really fun, and good community spirit. Not to mention great for whoever gets their board pimped.
LOL this could be really fun! We would need to see a good support from coders and designers for those who are interested. It would also have to be very well organized.
LOL this could be really fun! We would need to see a good support from coders and designers for those who are interested. It would also have to be very well organized.
Yup, collaboration and organisation will be a must
We'd also need a selection panel of people who would pick a board owner based on true need and not popularity. It would be more fun, I think, to do this for a charity or non-profit board.
We'd also need a selection panel of people who would pick a board owner based on true need and not popularity. It would be more fun, I think, to do this for a charity or non-profit board.
I think the selection of the Board should be the choice of the coders and designers donating their time for the contest. I'm sure charity or non-profit boards will benefit from this as well.
Edit: @Hambil, yes the main organization will be run by the staff in the event we decide to go with this.