When releasing a Hack you must state what version of vBulletin it is for. The only versions currently being supported are 1.1.5 and 2.0 Beta 2. Any other versions will not be supported.
Honor a Hack Author's wishes. If they remove a hack from distribution, it was most likely done for a reason and should not be put back into circulation.
Do not bump your hack request any sooner than 36 hours after you request.
Do not hound the vBulletin developers via PM's, ICQ or email for a hack. If they decide to help they will respond to your post.
Do not put [REQUEST] in the title of a requested hack.
Before requesting a hack do a search on it in this forum and at http://vBulletin.org/
When installing a Hack it is assumed you know the basics of HTML, MySQL and PHP. We cannot help you learn these technologies if this is not the case. There are other forums here dedicated to them.
When you encounter an error please post about it in the original RELEASE thread of the hack.
Hack Authors please turn on Email Notification on your release threads so that you can support your product.
When releasing a hack do put [RELEASE vBXXXX] in the title. Where XXXX is the vBulletin version that is supported by the hack.
Following these simple guidelines will make it easier for you to get the help you need on these customizations.