I think vbulletin is stopping me from upload anything more then 10megs. I'm using the ecdownloads program. How do I change the max file size to be uploaded?
What message are you receiving? Max execution timeout? If so, that is because PHP is scheduled to time out after about 60 seconds (on most setups). Upload directly to ftp; for users who you allow uploading and require a larger filesize, give them ftp.
It's not vBulletin, it's your Server Settings. You have to edit your php.ini file to increase the Max. Upload Size; you may have to ask your Host. When you log into AdminCP, take a look at the Quick Stats that are displayed; you should see "PHP Maximum Upload Size".
It's not vBulletin, it's your Server Settings. You have to edit your php.ini file to increase the Max. Upload Size; you may have to ask your Host. When you log into AdminCP, take a look at the Quick Stats that are displayed; you should see "PHP Maximum Upload Size".
One word of advice on this that almost everyone out there FORGETS... If you allow too much of a file to pass through PHP on an active server, performance drops; whereas ftp (which is mostly sequestered in terms of resources) is better suited to handle such files. As I said above; if the file is above 25 or so MB you should strongly considering setting up an ftp account for that.