If your host requirers you to prove you have a valid licence then provide them with the email you used to purchase your licence and tell them to email sales@vbulletin.com they will reply with a "yes this is a valid customer" or no if you are trying to host an illegal version but in that case i wouldn't get in touch with vbulletin at all .....
i'm not sure if they do it this way but in my thoughts this seems to be the only "reliable" way since nobody got the right to ask for your Licence number nor customer number.Never give this information to anyone
I just asked my host if they had a problem with vbulletin on there servers.They told me as long as you are licenced No .....
Tell your host to contact us and provide us the url for the forums, we will confirm or deny if there is a license. You could also contact us and request us to provide details. The first option is the better of the two.
I wouldn't suggest sending your host any of your emails that was sent to you from Jelsoft about your license information. If you do that, then nothing is stoping your host from logging into the members area and downloading his own copy. Do exacly what Zachery said above, have him email Jelsoft.
I wouldn't suggest sending your host any of your emails that was sent to you from Jelsoft about your license information. If you do that, then nothing is stoping your host from logging into the members area and downloading his own copy. Do exacly what Zachery said above, have him email Jelsoft.
I fully agree. Host's may try to scam (steal) your license.