Version: 1.0.1, by thincom2000
Developer Last Online: Sep 2022
Category: Miscellaneous Hacks -
Version: 3.6.8
Released: 08-20-2007
Last Update: 08-20-2007
Installs: 12
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Code Changes Additional Files
No support by the author.
Version: 1.0.1
We are no longer developing this, since we have created a stand-alone commercial product instead: VaultWiki
You can still feel free to use this mod as you wish, but understand that we cannot offer support for it any longer.
Products to Install: 1 (+1 Project Tools) Plugins Included: 37 (+5 Project Tools) Files to Upload: 14 New Templates: 8 Template Edits: 0 Files to Edit: 7+
What It Does:
This mod extends NuWiki by adding namespaces and Special Pages, allowing for much greater expandability than before and closer MediaWiki emulation.
If you run vBulletin Project Tools install the Project Tools Expansion for this mod too for maximum integration!
Beta 4 was the last one they announced, but they have up to RC1 available for licensed members to download.
NuWiki v1.3 RC1 was announced and the release notes properly documented. The announcement is available in a blog post shown in the home page.
Originally Posted by ssslippy
nuhit has this odd issue of not keeping up with patch notes, Ive been reminding him to post some.
I guess you are referring to NuSEO.PHP version 1.5. Honestly this NuSEO.PHP version has not been announced to the public yet. We will do so shortly. My apologies for the inconvenience.
Ah yes. RC1 has been announced on the blog. I was referring to a thread in "General News and Announcements" having not been created. Anywho, will we be seeing a hooked NuWiki soon (which would really speed up this mod's installation process and probably result in more installs )?
There are a few occasions of errors that I have seen. Namely, fatal errors in profile.php among others. If you follow the instructions in the readmes, you should be able to fix this on your own. Also I believe the Template BB-Code currently doesn't work as expected (but I have not tested this extensively).
When the new NuWiki is released (the one with the hooks already built-in), I will update this mod with the additional integrated scripts and bug fixes. In the mean time, if anyone is having conflicts with the CES Parser Permissions mod let me know. Around the same time NuWiki is updated, I should be releasing some Special Pages. First up will be Special:Books, Special:Recentchanges, and Special:Allpages.
Special:Categories still needs a bit more testing. But hey, if anyone wants to help with that let me know. I don't use categories much myself anyway, so someone who is a little more familiar with the MediaWiki system could definitely help.
The MediaWiki-style tabbed postbit still has 1 feature left to add.
Special:Images still has a few features to be implemented before release.
Parser Extensions (i.e. commands like NUMBEROFARTICLES, CURRENTDATE, CURRENTMONTH, etc.) will be out at the same time as the first Special Page addons.
Special:Wantedpages, etc. will just require some simple modifications of Allpages and should be released in a package of some sort.
I recommend waiting to install this mod until the new version of NuWiki is released. At that point I will be posting an update that includes a LOT of bug fixes and extra features.