Version: 1.0.1, by majorxp
Developer Last Online: Dec 2012
Version: 3.5.4
Released: 06-03-2006
Last Update: 06-18-2006
Installs: 38
Uses Plugins
No support by the author.
Send a Private Message to user (and optional user note) when approved for a usergroup
This is a product that will send an automatic private message to a user (and optionally place a profile note in their profile) after being approved for a usergroup using the 'group memberships' system (and only the group memberships system).
Difficulty of installation: Easy!
Time to install: About 1 minute.
There are two versions of this product. One will add the profile note and the other will not. The one that adds a profile note works nicely with this plugin that places a note when a user requests to join. These help moderators and admins know who placed a request when and if they were approved, who did the approval and when (without having to dig into the logs).
This was inspired by Amykhar's plugin that emails the usergroup leaders upon a request (but does not replace it). With her permission, I used a bit of her code and thank her greatly for that plugin.
Download Instructions
Choose your version (do not install both):
This version sends the user who was approved a private message and adds the user note to the member's profile
This version only sends the user who was approved a private message
Install Instructions
Go to your admin cp, then:
Plugin System -> Manage Products -> [Add/Import Product] -> Browse and select the plugin you downloaded to your computer then press 'Import'.
This installs one plugin and one phrase.
Upgrade Instructions
Go to your admin cp, then:
Plugin System -> Manage Products -> find "PM to user when approved by Majorxp" and choose uninstall from the dropdown box. Then reinstall using instructions above.
Usage Instructions
You can edit the phrase UG_approval_pm to change the approval PM. The version that adds the usernote has the usernote hard coded. If enough folks want it phrased, let me know.
Misc Notes
This does not send out a PM or user note if the user request is denied. This was done below by another coder, but I have not yet fully tested it personally.
This also does not send a PM if you use the admincp or moderatorcp to promote users and I have no intentions of working on such a mod.
** If you use this product, please click install so I know that folks actually use this! **
1.0.1 Fixed bug with product_ug_approval_pm_un version 1.0.0 Initial Release Version
Keywords: Private Message, PM, user group, user note, approval, approve, email
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
does this work along side Amykhar's plugin or can it replace it? also I would like the option for sending a pm denying the user as I will be adding a new usergroup for specific ages.
Installed! So this ONLY works if the user "requests". What about when a user has their usergroup changed by a promotion or by an admin? Does it send a PM then?
That's an interesting idea. I will look into that.
Originally Posted by Eriond
does this work along side Amykhar's plugin or can it replace it? also I would like the option for sending a pm denying the user as I will be adding a new usergroup for specific ages.
This works alongside Amykhar's plugin. Her's sends a PM to the usergroup leaders upon a user request, this one sends a PM to the user after being approved by a usergroup leader.
Originally Posted by Kihon Kata
Installed! So this ONLY works if the user "requests". What about when a user has their usergroup changed by a promotion or by an admin? Does it send a PM then?
Right. This works when users go through the 'group memberships' system. As rmxs suggested, it is a good idea and I'll check it out when I get a chance.
Since this is running on at least 10 installs, I'm going to pull the beta tag. Please report any issues encountered - if any.
If a mod or admin uses the admincp or moderatorcp to promote users, it will not send a PM. It only sends a PM when a user is promoted through the group memberships system.
I'm going to look into adding the functionality of sending an email when a user is approved in the control panels.
This works alongside Amykhar's plugin. Her's sends a PM to the usergroup leaders upon a user request, this one sends a PM to the user after being approved by a usergroup leader.
Thanks will install this as soon as my test site is back up and running.