Our board was created at 2003 but on a IPB :tired: . Now that I took over and new founder of it, it's on a vbulletin . Our board has made 61 member and over 1,100 post within 5 days of it's release again. Our board doesn't block member that force member to register just to view inside. Our board is about emu, counter strike, halo and much more online games. We also create clans for those games. We are willing to be part of any forum buddies. Our board isn't a mean place. We also talk about GFX and teaching new comer. We have tons of prizes that coming soon. Please visit us at http://mysticgaming.net/forum/forum and please register, we would love you to be part of our community. Which to be affilicate (misspell) please PM me and we can discuss about it