My life...
Well as some of you may have noticed I have not been around much lately that is because of several things that have occured in my life. Firstly I just returned from my celebration. You may wonder what I was celebrating and some of you already know what it was. I celebrated my graduation from high school. It was a great time and my girlfriend was here for it and we had lots of fun being together after not being together for a very long time but we will start seeing more of each other soon. Another thing was that exams where consuming my life and taking the front seat because I needed to graduate. I am starting college in the fall for Web Development so I shall be spending the summer trying to get up to speed again with this xHTML stuff and probably php. But now I would like to thank the people who have helped me through the school year and told me that I would make it and are actually here in this community. First I would like to thank Zak and his girlfriend Kitty without you two I would not have finished my english paper and would have not gotten this far in life. Floris for just being there and being a great friend. Trafix is also a great friend as he helped me through the times where it was darkest. Kura also helped me while I was in that dark place. RN_Evil for being my partner and one of my best internet friends. Martin(s2n) for being the guy who supports me and my websites and is my partner in crime on the internet. There is probably a lot of people I missed and you know who you are but you are all great friends.
Now I guess I'll get back to work with catching up on the new hacks and stuff so that people will stop complaining about it. :P