Very Important Improved User Security Hack
My board has over 25,000 members and in the past few weeks we banned this one guy who in return, trying to get himself unbanned has seemingly hacked half of my moderating staff as well as some of our biggest posters. There is virtually no way to get rid of him because he uses a proxy so last night I came up with this idea for a hack.
Not only do you have to enter your password when you enter your forums. But below you have to enter an answer to a secret question. This would help bump up security and in order to use the lost password feature from now on, you'd have to answer the secret question that you made when you first registered. You could change it in your user Options area. This is something I desperately need to try keeping my board up before he hacks all the other mod accounts. Admins in the admin cp could view questions and be able to change them and we could add a selected list of questions which the user could answer by simply selecting one on a drop down menu when he firsts enter such as "What is my pet's name?"...
Really need this asap, thanks.