I find it vey strange that vB3 didn't come with this, so I'm requesting it. An ability to re-number all forums from 1, according to the date created. Anyone want to give it a try?
you find strange that vB didn't come with this feature, but it's the first time i ever hear about this... never found that feature on anyother forum - and i've worked with most of them
but anyway, explain the need, maybe someone will be able to do something regarding such a strange behavior..
heh, vB3 comes with Style Re-Numbering, so why not Forum Re-Numering? Its just annoying having only about 40 forums, with the IDs being over 180. You can just call it a personal preference I suppose.
ya, it's a personal need, because when you renumber a forum, you have to renumber it around a lot.. threads, archives, permissions, preferences, password cookies, etc...
i can't help, too much job for a simple request... maybe ask in the Service Requests, you may have a coder that would help if paid...
heh, vB3 comes with Style Re-Numbering, so why not Forum Re-Numering? Its just annoying having only about 40 forums, with the IDs being over 180. You can just call it a personal preference I suppose.
Actually that's incorrect. There is no style renumbering in vb3. You will see that Styleid's won't change when you use this feature.
BUT: there is template renumbering, as this can get an effect, if you have a lot of stylesets and very high templateid's... (but actually very rarely )