I need to get this up and running asap but hav had no luck getting this problem fixed.
Basicly in the admin cp i have set the table width to 549 so it will fit inside my template and it all works great until i go to usercp which adds another 142 or so pixels and pushes my forum out of the template or in internet explorer it just makes my forum box wider i have adjusted the template named usercp_shell so that the cell holding the main page contents $HTML is only 347 but when i log back in to the usercp the main page contents is still 549 is there some way to get around this, i am considering changing the left vertical control panel to be a horizontal control panel but only as a last resort.
check out this page
http://www.aqua-adventures.com/aquah...scription.php? to see what i mean, logon and password: guest
thank you