Would it be possible to create a hack that allows us to insert the $loggedinusers bit (the area that shows total # of users logged on, and also shows guests & birthdays at the bottom of the main forums welcome page) onto the top of my threads listing page? I would like to have these values show on that page.
It's not that important that the values refresh on every visit to the threadlist page (if not having it refresh would make it easier to codewrite?), it would be ok if the values displayed are merely projections of the values that were gotten upon the initial load of the main forums page (I'm figuring that this would save on some site performance).
I've tried inserting it into the Forum Threadlist and stuff :tired: ... but it never ends up appearing at the
top of the page just below my page's title image like I want it too. Can someone write a hack for this please, or if one already exists, lemme know where it is? I've done a seach here, but haven't had any luck in finding it.