Do the vBulletin mobile apps use Javascript-capable webviews to display threads?
I would like to make a small interactive GUI that would be displayed inside normal vBulletin discussion threads, by means of a custom BB code which includes javascript code which in turn makes AJAX calls to an external PHP script on the same domain, and then dynamically updates the contents of a DIV tag also included in the same BB code (i.e. standard operation for any AJAX GUI).
I know that this shouldn't be a problem for the normal browser-version of vBulletin, since it's just a common HTML page, and BB codes can contain arbitrary HTML/Javascript.
BUT, I'm not equally sure about the vBulletin mobile apps (i.e. those of the vBulletin Mobile Suite, the most recent 2.x versions) which I'm also using for my site. Would such a design also work directly in the discussion threads displayed in these mobile apps?
Or, put in a more technical way: Do the vBulletin mobile apps use Javascript-capable webviews to display their threads, or are the thread contents in these mobile apps rather rendered in some kind of more static fashion inside these apps, thereby prohibiting any such kind of dynamic Javascript modification of their displayed contents?