Because you are into carp or because you have to much free time?
i am into carp.
Originally Posted by Paul M
I have no clue, but can I introduce you to the concept of capital letters.
Please start your thread titles with one.
(yes, I updated this one).
Ok i will
Originally Posted by Lynne
Um, because you like fresh water fish that start with the letter C?
I am into carp, but not only carp. I am not keeping any characins at the moment because i am focusing on the pond. Examples of characins include tetras, piranhas and pacu. There are many more characins. I keep fish for anyone who does not know.
You don't keep the piranhas with the other fish though, right? And do piranhas eat each other?
i have never kept piranhas. I have kept different types of tetras and i almost got a pacu once, but i did not. Piranhas do not eat each other. Some piranhas like black piranhas have to be kept alone, but they are usually a schooling fish.