When i invite Enter Email in Invite Field click submit rec error:
Invalid SQL:
invite.email, invite.dateline,
user.userid, user.username, user.usergroupid, user.infractiongroupid, user.displaygroupid, user.joindate,
FROM dbtech_registration_invite AS invite
LEFT JOIN dbtech_registration_email AS verified ON(invite.email = verified.email) AND verified = '1'
LEFT JOIN user AS user ON(verified.email = user.email) AND user.userid != 1
LEFT JOIN userlist AS actionuser_friend ON(actionuser_friend.userid = user.userid)
WHERE invite.userid = 1
GROUP BY invite.email
ORDER BY invite.dateline DESC
MySQL Error : Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='
Error Number : 1267
Request Date : Wednesday, May 21st 2014 @ 12:38:36 AM
Error Date : Wednesday, May 21st 2014 @ 12:38:37 AM
Script : http://www.XXXXXXXXXX.com/registration.php?do=profile&action=invites
Referrer : http://www.XXXXXXXXXXX.com/registration.php
IP Address : 1**.1**.8.1**
Username : M*****r
Classname : vB*******se
MySQL Version : 5.1.73-cll
DragonByte Tech:
This means you have changed the collation of certain DB tables but not your entire database, you will need to make sure all DBTech tables and their columns have the same collation as your vB tables.
can you tell me How to change DB tables ? please
DragonByte Tech:
You should contact your host for instructions on how to change collation if you don't know how to do this yourself.
My server staff says:
let me know your exact db table and db name and the collation format you want to keep, I will check and try to do it,
Help please i think DBTech is busy i really need help