Version: 1.1, by A.Chakery
Developer Last Online: May 2017
Category: Add-On Releases -
Version: 3.8.x
Released: 08-13-2014
Last Update: Never
Installs: 15
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits Auto-Templates
No support by the author.
Similar Threads After The First Post , Brought You By :
Description :
This plugin automatically moves the similar threads under the first post of every topic.
Features :
- Automatically moves similar threads to the bottom of the first post.
- Ability to disable it globally
- Ability to disable it in specific forums
- Ability to customize it using CSS
- Works great with vBSEO and DB-SEO
1- Install the attached XML file :
First download the attached file , then go to "AdminCP > Plugin System > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product]" and import the download file.
2- Add Styling
1- First Please Go to "AdminCP > Style Manager" ,
2- Select "Main CSS" from drop-down menu on the right side of your active style,
3- Then Add below CSS code to "Additional CSS Definitions "
One of the users (CoZmicShReddeR) mentioned that there are many forum owners who are using dark skins so the defult CSS which I posted in this modification may not fit their style so I decided to add two more CSS codes which would be great for dark skins.
Well I do not see any similar threads at the end of the the posts list !
Would you please check if you have similar threads in other pages ?
Note : You site loaded so slow on my end so I tested it in WebPageTest .. here is the results :
a normal load and google friendly time should be less than 3sec ...
It thought you may want to know this.
======= EDIT =======
Ok I found this thread with similar threads... I believe the customization which you mentioned is causing this issue.
Since my mod would work with the default similar threads ...
Well I do not see any similar threads at the end of the the posts list !
Would you please check if you have similar threads in other pages ?
Note : You site loaded so slow on my end so I tested it in WebPageTest .. here is the results :
a normal load and google friendly time should be less than 3sec ...
It thought you may want to know this.
======= EDIT =======
Ok I found this thread with similar threads... I believe the customization which you mentioned is causing this issue.
Since my mod would work with the default similar threads ...
Anyways I am sorry about this issue.
Hey buddy, our server was under ddos attack . things should be loading quick now
I have uninstalled the product and the css customization. I hope that's all there was needed to uninstall. No hooks or traces left in the code right?