3.8.6: Show smilie menu in Quick Reply and Quick Edit
I would like the smilie menu to show in Quick Reply and Quick Edit on my 3.8.6 forum. I have not been able to find a suitable mod and it doesn't appear this is possible in the vBulletin options.
What is not suitable about the mods you have found? There are a few out there and it would be good to have a link to the ones you found and what you don't like about them so that we know exactly what you want.
TrucLinh has a modification for both a template edit or an importable plugin. https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=128536 Thing is, these smilies in Quick Reply all pretty much do the same thing. They duplicate code from one template, and paste it into another. So any of these should be working for you.