And I'm talking about stuff like, yabbseo, zoints, the (dead) nuseo etc..... Have people just given up on making vbulletin seo addons or what? Sure theres vbseo for about $200 but my rant is where are our free vbulletin seo addons for vbulletin 4.x that were almost abundantly found with vb 3.8.x?
I have tried it but in comparison to the older seo mods it lacks alot, no directory style url format for example, now if it worked for every static url to be found (as in groups, albums, visitor messages, calendar, attachments, user avatars & pictures etc), I might be a bit happier with it.
Vbseo is being used on the forum i mentioned above but i just need the friendly feature on another forum and donot have plans to purchase it. Any suggestions?