I Vb 3.8.4 pl1 latest plugin I have installed Cyb - Advanced Forum Rules v4.0.2 and Cyb - Advanced Permissions Based on Post Count 4.4 and that happens to me on private area where there is a section called basket to put all the old me I find users that are active is not allowed to see not! There may be a link with the recently added plugins seen that did not happen?
Before the plug was all set ... something wrong? Thanks
I Vb 3.8.4 pl1 latest plugin I have installed Cyb - Advanced Forum Rules v4.0.2 and Cyb - Advanced Permissions Based on Post Count 4.4 and that happens to me on private area where there is a section called basket to put all the old me I find users that are active is not allowed to see not! There may be a link with the recently added plugins seen that did not happen?
Before the plug was all set ... something wrong? Thanks
does the plugin have a section to exclude specific forum numbers where new posts are made?
No, sorry, in English it makes no sense at all. You might try posting in your native language.
In pratica da quando ho inserito i 2 plugin sopra nel nostro cestino che si trova in una sezione riservata allo staff mi risulta che ci siano degli utenti quindi non dello staff ma effettivamente non ci sono e non possono vedere la zona riservata.
Come mai?
Sorry for the delay in reply.
Questions regarding modifications need to be asked in the modification thread. That is where the support for modifications is - not out here in the main forums. Please note that if a modification is unsupported, you may be on your own if you chose to install it.
Questions regarding modifications need to be asked in the modification thread. That is where the support for modifications is - not out here in the main forums. Please note that if a modification is unsupported, you may be on your own if you chose to install it.
Sorry if I take this post, but perhaps it is more visually clear, the 4 guests that can be seen in dump room are individuals but in fact they do not see anything, how is it possible?