Can't change "Inline Mod" link color on FORUMDISPLAY
The area above the thread listing (<div id="above_threadlist_controls">) in the FORUMDISPLAY template contains the links for the forum control options (Forum Tools, Administrative, Search Forum, and Inline Mod). I had to manually change the link color to white in the template because they follow the style for link_color and it was unreadable with the background of the forum control options box. Problem is, I can't figure out how to change the color of Inline Mod. All the other links are marked with an <a href=" link where I can change those links, but I don't see anything to change the Inline Mod link. Am I missing something or is there a different way I can change that link color? Sorry if this is confusing. I'll rephrase if I need to. The image attached is what it looks like on my forum.