How do I move my "login" function off the navbar to its own page?
My goal is to clean up the look of my site.
I tried this as follows. I copied the form code and placed it into a separate page that I linked to from the navbar. It looked good but when I input my name and pass and hit enter it gave me a 404 error.
You have to change it because you are getting a 404 error. Which means that your 404 page (or whatever page your displaying this on) is outside of the forum root folder.
FRDS, it worked perfectly. But...I have this on a separate page. When I log in, it doesn't redirect me to the forum home page where I initially clicked on the "log in" link.
I wonder how I can get the redirect to work so I and my members don't have to click on Forum Home again??
FRDS, it worked perfectly. But...I have this on a separate page. When I log in, it doesn't redirect me to the forum home page where I initially clicked on the "log in" link.
I wonder how I can get the redirect to work so I and my members don't have to click on Forum Home again??
I think the only way to do that would be to take make a plugin at the login redirect location to redirect users to your forum home. But then I think it'd break the login process else where, how it takes you the thread you were viewing when you logged in.