Buying vBulletin :] nah rebuilding the relationship between my family finding a caring and loving girlfriend and going to Animation School. Those are the best things that are amazing to me.
The night I first slept with a CPAP... I slept like a baby - all night long (well, at least 7 hours anyways). I've been hooked on it ever since. Like a drug some would say. Now I can't get rid of the thing. I couldn't imagine a night without it now. I just don't sleep if I do have a night without it. Painful memories... (at least the sore throat from the awful snoring) LOL
Wayne and Paul's comments are strangely (really hasardeously) related... lol
the good thing in my life lately ?!... hum, when i decided 2 months ago that coding had to be stopped for a time... i'm on vacation for the first time of my life!