How is he threatning you? by email? Instant message? Surely you can block them? If not, I'd probably suggest reporting to the police if you're taking the threats seriously.
Lol, I have people threating me everyday either on IM or email, and if its just one of your banned members ignore it. Unless he knows you in person or where you live, if he starts saying some personal things that match you then I would call the 1-800-911INTERNET
Yes they know where i live because we have a buy sell and trade section so I have received items from them so my address this person knows. thanks for the help
Never take your members' safety or your safety lightly. If you think this person is a serious threat then contact your local authorities and ask for their advice. What you want is to have your issue documented.
Lol, I have people threating me everyday either on IM or email, and if its just one of your banned members ignore it. Unless he knows you in person or where you live, if he starts saying some personal things that match you then I would call the 1-800-911INTERNET
+1 If you are running a site, the odds are that you will piss someone off soon... lol
and yes the 800-911-internet solved my issues as well. lmao
Report them to the RIAA. Tell them they are downloading MP3's from your server j/k... ya that's a tough one. for real, there is a number like this in what you guys are mentioning above? Ya, documentation is very important (from my perspective as a paralegal).