I'm using this array to create a dropdown menu in the AdminCP for a hack I'm working on. The phrase is what shows in the dropdown, however the number on left ends up being the value inserted into db based upon which option is selected. My problem, however is that I need for both
'feedback_awaiting_approval' and
'better_feedback_needed' to have a value of 0.
PHP Code:
$pointoptions = array(
0 => $vbphrase['feedback_awaiting_approval'],
1 => $vbphrase['better_feedback_needed'],
2 => $vbphrase['average_feedback'],
3 => $vbphrase['good_feedback'],
4 => $vbphrase['very_good_feedback'],
6 => $vbphrase['excellent_feedback']
If i assign both to 0, i get an error because it's the key it needs a unique value, so my question is "how can I get around this without another array like 1 => [0][$vbphrase['feedback_awaiting_approval'], etc..."?