I have a review scipt written in Perl and I want to validate users' login status using the $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] value: if it's not zero then I let them in. I decided to try using the embedded php intrepreter Perl module and the basic functionality is OK but it seems to give a zero result all the time instead of only when I'm logged out.
I'm wondering whether when this module is instantiated it loses sight of the GPC array by operating in a new environment. Has anyone else tried this Perl module? Is there another way I can check the user login status (apart from cookie detecting)? I'd prefer a solution that is independant of cookies because they are open to abuse.
Ultimately you are going to have to use the vb cookie, as that's how vb works. Can your script query the vb database ? if so you could pull the session id from the cookie and query the vb session table to find the userid of that session.