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Blunts Welcome Member & Guests
Version: 1.0.2, by Mr Blunt Mr Blunt is offline
Developer Last Online: Sep 2006 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 3.5.0 RC3 Rating:
Released: 08-28-2005 Last Update: 09-15-2005 Installs: 8
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Additional Files Is in Beta Stage  
No support by the author.

Welcome to Mr Blunt's "Welcome Member & Guests" Series for vBulletin 3.5.0 RC3+

To simplify and condense several template modifications into "one ball".
To design edits so they do nothing if product isn't working or is deleted.
To integrate Usergroup Permissions and vBulletin Options into each feature.
To ultimately process/display a variety of extras to your site's visitors.

Inserts up to 3 types of new post counts to your navbar's breadcrumb.
These optionally run and display up to 3 extra search queries on every page.
  • "Active Today" = Count of posts in last 24 hours (real time clock).
  • "Active Lately" = Count of posts since last visit (cookie method).
  • "Unread Lately" = Count of unread posts since last visit (database method).
The "Unread Lately" depends on AdminCP Option "Thread/Forum Read Marking Type".
This will not run if vB's read marking type is "Inactivity/Cookie Based".

These count how many new posts there are in how many threads (not new threads).
Each becomes a clickable link which takes you to appropriate search method.
Custom Usergroup Permissions allow you to pick who runs which queries and how.

All displayed numbers are REALTIME for that user (best as I can tell so far).
No worrying about hidden forums raising counts for unauthorized people!!
No worrying about soft deleted posts raising counts for unauthorized people!!

If the user can see that thread's post, then the tally counts rise.
If the count would be zero ... then that line of the display DISAPPEARS!!
... Kind of like cleaning up the house as you surf the site!!

Prints up to 5 very small "code" boxes in forumhome and forumdisplay.
Size is automatically managed based on number of boxes displayed.
Admins declare a seperate "postid" in admincp for each box to reference.
The post's author (and mods) can edit the post anytime to change the box.
The post's title becomes the code's title.
The post's text become the code's text.

Tons of uses for this feature!!
Useful for sites where everyone seeks the same "bits" of info daily.
This way, admins/mods don't have to be bothered to maintain the contents.
Let your members take care of them for you!!

And just because it's a "code box" doesn't mean it has to be code!!
It could be an announcement or a little soapbox for 5 handpicked users.
Use your imagination...

Note: All bbcode formatting will be stripped from the new code box's text.

Here's Zero Tolerance's thread:

No, I'm not trying to steal Zero Tolerance's work or grandstand him!!!
I love his script SOOO MUCH that I want to encourage and help it.
I had some other navbar edits ... and usergroup permissions for them all.
So why not simplify the template edit procedures ... and give him a perm too!
I had to do it for my own forum, so why not let everyone benefit from it.

NOW THAT SAID ... My permissions CANNOT DISABLE his vBRadio.php file ... YET!!
They only disable the display of navbar's ** vBRadio LINK **!!

I had a very nice chat with ZT today and he's letting me rewrite his script.
Next version I shall stick his entire (reworked) script into my installation.
If you already have vBRadio, shut off my radio option or edit navbar with my code.
If you don't have vBRadio yet ... hold off a bit longer and I'll set you up!!

  • "Red Cross Banner" - The least I can do for the devastated U.S. Gulf Coast.
  • "Whatsup" - Adds 2nd "what's going on box" to the top of forumhome.
  • "Activeusers" - Adds 2nd "currently active users" to top of forums and threads.
  • "vBRadio" - I LOVE Zero Tolerance's script, so this adds permissions for it.
  • v100:
    - Initial release was just the new posts breadcrumb.
  • v102:
    - Added everything but breadcrumb, LOL, I start keeping score now.
  1. Upload 'redcross.jpg' to server's /IMAGES/MISC/ folder.
  2. Upload 'bitfield_blunts_welcome.xml' to server's /INCLUDES/XML/ folder.
  3. Import 'product_blunts_welcome.xml' via AdminCP -> Plugin System -> Manage Products.
  4. Go into your vB options and usergroup permissions to customize all the new settings.
  5. Always look below and double check what templates and exactly where to modify each.
  6. I'll try to not change $var locations, but no promises, so always double check!!
  7. Your Done, Enjoy.
  8. Maybe stop by this file's support thread and "Click Install".
  9. If you do, and updates become available, you'll be notified with a vb.org alert.
  1. Delete 'bitfield_blunts_welcome.xml' from Server's /INCLUDES/XML/ folder.
  2. Uninstall 'product_blunts_welcome.xml' via AdminCP -> Plugin System -> Manage Products.
  3. You can reverse template edits, but not neccessary. They will return "" if uninstalled.
  4. Your Done - Thanks for trying my product!!
  1. Aug 29,2005 - Find this:
    <if condition="$show['pmstats']"><br /><phrase 1="$vbphrase[unread_x_nav_compiled]" 2="$vbphrase[total_x_nav_compiled]" 3="$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[private_messages_nav]</phrase></if>
    Add this below it:
  2. Aug 29,2005 - Find this:
    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="$stylevar[formspacer]" border="0">
    Add this below it:
  3. Sept 15,2005 - Find this:
    <td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="calendar.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[calendar]</a></td>
    Add this below it:
    If you already have ZT's vBRadio edit in your navbar, you MUST REPLACE it with mine!!
  1. I strip all bbcode from the "top code" boxes and I don't know yet what sort of issues (if any) which this might create. Currently this is by design so that I can wrap my own "very small" code tag around the message. If anyone has any ideas on ways to improve this, my ears are wide open so please contact me somehow with the ideas.

Zero Tolerance for allowing me to integrate his vBRadio!!!
KirbyDE for lots of help, especially with the usergroup permissions.
vBulletin for their 'search.php' file (breadcrumb replicates queries).
Ohhh, and a little ingenuity on my part, LOL.

If somehow I am infringing on someone's rights, please let me know!!
I didn't look around and/or evaluate if mine is different than others.
If there's good reason, I'll be more than happy to retract this file.
Please just ask me nicely and show why, because I think this is unique.

Blunts Welcome Member and Guests:
Zero Tolerance's vBRadio (installed seperately):

Paypal Donations are graciously accepted.


Feel free to drop me an email with questions or comments.
Please put the exact (one) word "bluntswelcome" in the subject.
If you don't, I'm sorry to say that my spam might catch it.

The "blunts_welcome_screenshots_102.zip" is nothing more than the screenshots which are pictured here, so pick one way or the other to view them.

Show Your Support

  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 08-29-2005, 08:17 AM
Scooterpig Scooterpig is offline
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Doesn't look bad, thank you..

Also you forgot the / in size for your Huge Note..

EDIT - fixed..hehe..
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Old 08-29-2005, 09:30 AM
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Azhrialilu Azhrialilu is offline
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I like this, but wouldn't it make more sense for it to say "Activity Today" as opposed to "Active Today"? Reason being reading "Active Today" makes me think it'll give me information on the people active that day and not the activity within posts - does that make sense?
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Old 08-29-2005, 09:43 AM
Mr Blunt Mr Blunt is offline
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Thanks Intrepid!!

I cleaned up the post some more and posted the rest of the screenshots (and a zip with them.


For those wondering ... why another one of these new posts things?? Well ... because my other "X posts in Y threads" plugin needed work. And while I was at it, I wanted to add some permissions which requires the product soooo no better time than the present while vb is still beta ehh??


I'll remove that file in the very near future and put a redirect in that post to this new "product" to explain that it's discontinued forever. I think that would be the best way to handle it, but your opinions matter to me, so I'm listening if maybe a mod wants to offer me a suggestion on what to do.


As for the product....
Currently there is only one known issue.
The install process doesn't stop or pause.
And I TRY TO STOP the install if I cannot find the bitfield file!!!
The product may LOOK like it's installed in AdminCP products, but it's not.
The database fields, templates, phrases, plugins will all be skipped during install.

vb350rc3 should have a fix for this, but I'll have to code in their fix and release a new version of this hack after I see what it is.

This is NOT A BIG DEAL!!
That's why I figured I'd release it now.
Might as well do a little beta testing of this in the meantime.

I HAVE NOT done extensive testing of this file!!
I have done enough to "satisfy me" ... which says a lot if anyone knows me!!

If anyone notices ANY QUIRKS ... I BEG YOU to speak up!!
Maybe it's me ... Maybe it's vBulletin ... I should be able to tell.
I spend more time "coding" than "testing" if you know what I mean.
... Need some fresh eyes to look this over ...
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Old 08-29-2005, 09:48 AM
Mr Blunt Mr Blunt is offline
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Originally Posted by Azhrialilu
I like this, but wouldn't it make more sense for it to say "Activity Today" as opposed to "Active Today"? Reason being reading "Active Today" makes me think it'll give me information on the people active that day and not the activity within posts - does that make sense?
I had trouble coming up with short phrases.
Yours is definately more intuative.
I like it!!

Next version ... whenever vb350rc3 comes out and I get a look at it.
Unless someone else has another idea!!!
I'm all ears!!
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Old 09-03-2005, 08:05 PM
peterska2 peterska2 is offline
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ta thanks

/me clicks install
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Old 09-10-2005, 09:21 PM
Wordplay Wordplay is offline
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anybody tried this on rc3? because i installed it, but it doesn't show up.

i did checked the usergroup permissions, and the vb option settings.
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Old 09-15-2005, 02:16 PM
Mr Blunt Mr Blunt is offline
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I can't think off hand why it wouldn't work for rc3.
Unless the bitfields didn't rebuild properly due to cache holding it off.
... In which case a couple days passing should have fixed it by now.

Did you create a few new posts after installing it??
Because it hides the display if the counts would be zero, by design.

OTHERWISE .... I just finished a whole new version that adds a slew of new features so I haven't taken the time to backtrack if the current 1.0.0 version is having problems with RC3 or not.

Only trouble is I won't release new version until I get approval from Zero Tolerance to include a bitfield for his vBRadio in my usergroup permissions. I'm going to try and contact him right now.

Stay tuned and I guarantee the wait for next version will be worth it.
It's working perfectly on my RC3 server ... as best as I can tell so far.
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Old 09-16-2005, 12:20 AM
Mr Blunt Mr Blunt is offline
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Zero Tolerance gave me the OK to run with my ball.
Soooo I'm running!!!

I rewrote top post to reflect all the changes.

Uploaded all new screenshots.
Think you guys might get a kick out of the "little code boxes" I have now.
Forum search/sort options up top of forumdisplay rocks for large sites where members get lost in it all.

If there's any coders in the crowd who have some spare time (ya right, LOL, like there is such a thing), please check this sucker out!! And in fact you guys might want to even if your not interested because I put some real funky installation codes in there to serve as a "Universal Custom UGP Installation Package" that any coders might be able to use to for their own product packages.

Currently, I also halt the auto redirect after installing and upgrading to give you messages and buttons, but that won't work for the UNinstall side until either RC4 or Gold comes out as there's one more conditional that will be added to plugin.php by Jelsoft.

Before someone asks how to "upgrade" from old....
Upload new bitfield file
Import new product
It will overwrite the old one
Check out your settings
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Old 11-21-2005, 09:11 AM
Wordplay Wordplay is offline
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i tried uninstalling it with no luck i deleted the mrblunts bit file but still get this>
### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
	`title` = 'Guests',
	`description` = '',
	`usertitle` = 'Guest',
	`opentag` = '',
	`closetag` = '',
	`passwordexpires` = '0',
	`passwordhistory` = '0',
	`ucash_paycheck` = '0',
	`forumpermissions` = '659459',
	`pmquota` = '50',
	`pmpermissions` = '0',
	`pmsendmax` = '0',
	`calendarpermissions` = '33',
	`wolpermissions` = '29',
	`genericpermissions` = '0',
	`genericoptions` = '0',
	`profilepicmaxwidth` = '100',
	`profilepicmaxheight` = '100',
	`profilepicmaxsize` = '65535',
	`avatarmaxwidth` = '80',
	`avatarmaxheight` = '80',
	`avatarmaxsize` = '20000',
	`profileviewpermissions` = '0',
	`ecdownloadpermissions` = '7',
	`journalpermissions` = '0',
	`buddiepermissions` = '0',
	`adminpermissions` = '0',
	`bluntswelcomepermissions` = '0'
WHERE usergroupid=1;

MySQL Error  : Unknown column 'bluntswelcomepermissions' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
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