Aside from a warning ticket for speeding I have been doing ok on the road. But last night I got caught violating a new law, and aprently I am the first to get a ticket for it in my town.
What did I do? Well at 2am I made a run to a local gas station to get some hot dogs because I was hungry and they have an all night grill, and the best hot dogs in town
On the way I drove thru the rich part of town because its the back way to the gas station and cuts about 15 minutes out of the drive. On the way I was listening to my stereo, tho its loud its not a bass heads dream or anything (yet..). Anyway I passed a cop and when I wen't by he pulled in behind me and followed me for awhile, when I put on my turn single to pull into the gas stations parking lot he turned on the bule lights.
I was in violation of a new sound ordinace (sp?) that states no one can play a stereo after 11pm or before 7am that can be heard at least 2 blocks away.
I know there is no way he heard me from 2 blocks away so I am going to attempt to fight this one in court. Because I am not paying this $120 fine for something I was never informed about.
IMHO he saw an easy ticket to write so he decided to pull me. I tried to explain that I was'nt aware of this law (until it was passed you could be as loud as you wanted whenever you wanted), and that even though this law existed I did not think my stereo was capable of breaking it. But he was an +++++++ so rather then dealing with him and risking something more I told him to write the ticket and that we could sort it out in court.
Anyway I hope I win, because if I don't I have no idea how I am going to aford my new amp before comp. this april.