Version: 1.2, by The Geek
Developer Last Online: Jan 2019
Version: 3.0.5
Released: 01-04-2005
Last Update: 02-01-2005
Installs: 39
No support by the author.
Hack: vBadvanced CMPS Latest Geek Articles Version: 1.0 Author: Me
upload modules/latestgeekarticles.php into modules folder
upload admincp/latestgeekarticles_install.php into admincp folder
run above file
Follow the slight file modifications in the README.
File modifications: 1 Template modifications: 0 Installer: Yup. A very cool one. Phrased: Yup
In a nutshell, this module is based upon the vBa Latest Topics module, but is instead set up to pull the 'Latest articles' from a specified forum. This is really designed for those using The Geek Article System.
Check out the Readme that comes in the package.
Change Log version 1.3 uploaded 02/02/05
Minor update to module in order to work with new vBaCMPS release
version 1.2 uploaded 07/01/05
Fixed 'Excluded Forums' bug that appeared to have been bitten by Zombie.
It came back to haunt one user so I had to take drastic action and update it.
It now WORKS with your 'excluded forums' setting. That is to say, you can exclude your acticle forums from 'Latest topics' but they will still happily appear in Latest Articles.
Please note that this means there is now a file edit. Please read the README.
version 1.1 uploaded 07/01/05
Fixed bug where when users had vba excluded forums set, it caused a query error. To fix, download latest package and upload latest modules/latestgeektopics.php overwriting your old one.
Just one of the things that I miss by not having v3 articles is the 'featured article'. Perhaps this can be replaced by a 'random article' block that uses the first x characters of the post?
Just one of the things that I miss by not having v3 articles is the 'featured article'. Perhaps this can be replaced by a 'random article' block that uses the first x characters of the post?
Actually, it most liekly wouldnt be difficult to add a featured article module. It would require you to set the threadid in your vbacmps settings though. So in other words, every time you changed the feautred article, it would through vbacmps.
Does that sound pants or would you be interested in it?
Actually, it most liekly wouldnt be difficult to add a featured article module. It would require you to set the threadid in your vbacmps settings though. So in other words, every time you changed the feautred article, it would through vbacmps.
Does that sound pants or would you be interested in it?
Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:
Invalid SQL:
IF(votenum >= 1, votenum, 0) AS votenum, IF(votenum >= 1 AND votenum != 0, votetotal / votenum, 0) AS voteavg,
thread.threadid, thread.title, thread.replycount, postusername, postuserid, thread.dateline AS postdateline, IF(views <= thread.replycount, thread.replycount+1, views) AS views, thread.lastposter, thread.lastpost, pollid
, thread.iconid AS threadiconid, iconpath AS threadiconpath
,thread.forumid, forum.title AS forumtitle
, NOT ISNULL(subscribethread.subscribethreadid) AS subscribed
FROM vb3_thread as thread
LEFT JOIN vb3_icon USING (iconid)
LEFT JOIN vb3_forum AS forum ON (thread.forumid = forum.forumid)
LEFT JOIN vb3_deletionlog AS deletionlog ON (thread.threadid = deletionlog.primaryid AND type = 'thread')
LEFT JOIN vb3_subscribethread AS subscribethread ON (subscribethread.threadid = thread.threadid AND subscribethread.userid = 1)
WHERE open <> '10' AND thread.visible = 1 AND thread.forumid NOT IN(6,27,33,34,35) Array AND deletionlog.primaryid IS NULL
ORDER BY lastpost DESC
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Array AND deletionlog.primaryid IS NULL
ORDER BY lastpost DE
mysql error number: 1064