I just bought Office 2003 and VS.NET 2003 today...both are awesome, but especially so is Outlook 2003. It's like a completely overhauled and streamlined version of OE/O XP. Nice and intuitive interface, finally an ability to completely disable HTML e-mail and images in e-mail...highly worth the ridiculously low academic price
I just bought Office 2003 and VS.NET 2003 today...both are awesome, but especially so is Outlook 2003. It's like a completely overhauled and streamlined version of OE/O XP. Nice and intuitive interface, finally an ability to completely disable HTML e-mail and images in e-mail...highly worth the ridiculously low academic price
i got this upgraded from OE and i'm in love, i don't think i could live without it now.
Whats Visual Studio 2003 like? Was looking for a demo yesterday
It's way better than Visual C++ 6 as in it actually doesn't suck. Code folding, streamlined interface...problem is that it doesn't do real-time syntax checking like Eclipse/IntelliJ IDEA, one feature that I miss a lot.