Im my forums, when users attach images, they show up as a link in the post. I did this to conserve bandwith and it also brought my server load down, becuase lots of my users threads had images in them. And thats alot of extra CPU when you have hundreds of users opening threads with 10 images in them, and they are all getting pulled from the database.
But users get around this by attaching an image, then going back and editing the post and using the [img] tags. I don't want to stop [img] tags completely, because I dont care if they link to pictures on their own server and have the image display in the thread.
hmmm this woudl sure be a task.. thats like hyperlink blocking.. "something geocities does now" but the link is still at your site so i'm think it will not work becuase it pointing to your server from you server so i don;t think there is an internal way of blocking this.. my only suggestion for now is make sure your mods are doing there job .. tell them to edit posts ext