Well I am a licensed user and I come here off and on just to see what can make my vBulletin more compatible... OK this is the 2nd time this happened to me, I downloaded 3 hacks (haven't installed) and when I needed Chen's vBHacker Script I clicked on the link to get it.. then WHAM!!! I get a message like I am not a licensed user, I cant view the 'Full Release" threads.. What seems to be the problem??
Jadelit, maybe you are having some kind of problems with your cookies. If you have this problem, you'll probally be logged out and that's why it shows that error message. It has happened to us before.
Originally posted by mr e I'm just curious, but how do you guys (mods/admins etc) know that we are licensed, is it in the user profile or what?
Licensed people have their own special usergroup, and we just show Unlicense next to people who aren't in that group... and also highlight their name in thread lists.