What would u prefer more if u are gonna install a new hack, instructions in a txt file or instructions in an installer file that you have 2 run online?
I prefer text files. I like having an installer for the database mods, but it's a pain doing the file mods from the installer. It's much easier having it in a text document.
It depends on the hack, i mean if the hack is a real pain in the butt it's nice to have an installer, but otherwise i like doing txt better. So I guess i'd have to say both.
I like text files both as hacker and a user. Because as a hacker I don't need to write these fancy installers any time, and as a user I can just keep the text files in a special hacks folder on my PC for future upgrades (not that I do this... ).
Originally posted by slideboxer I like both of them and I'd actually like to see more support of MultiHack, http://www.multihack.com. Great program.
I would like to see more of this around as well...but unfortunately there is one minor problem with the program as I see it. Some lines of code on my forum (for example large database queries like the one to insert a new post) get modified frequently as I am often adding new functionality to the board. But MultiHack can only update a line if it is unchanged, which means I'd have to do updates to this line manually. So much of my forum is modified that virtually every hack would require me to do manual code changes as well as automatic changes.
As to the original question in the thread, I by far prefer text files, for pretty much the same reasons that FireFly said Also, I won't run an installer as I like to keep in full control of what is happening on my board. I want to know exactly what is being added and where (and why), so I will never use an automatic instaler. If a hack comes with an auto installer I still run the queries manually.
Yup James got another point there... whenever I get an installed I always go through its code making sure the queries it's about to run are alright. Even if I trust the hacker and all, none of us are perfect and mistakes can happen to everyone.