Impossible to tell from a banner. Just look at the bottom of the forum or ask the owner of the forum. If there's no indication that they used a public style, it's probably unique and not available to download.
This forum was mine for a long time, the banner came along with the style, but I forgot the name of the style, if I'm not mistaken it's from 2013, I can't find it anymore
I believe it was a style created/sold by but they do no longer exist. I wouldn't know where you can download it but maybe if you Google properly, you can find it somewhere. I don't think it came with the banner you showed though, it was most likely added by someone else.
It was a skin called Ambient Lighting Skin, it was available here, but it was removed by op.
Apparently it was a Joomla skin that they ( converted to vBulletin without the permission of the original owner and therefore it had to be deleted. You can find the original Joomla skin here
I knew this style, this is a style pretty old that it is used by many forums in many years ago. Honestly the official style of it looks more better than your image.