I am liking to create a similar theme for my forum but with dark colors. Currently I am using a light theme and I think it looks good but if there is a dark theme then some members can be interested in using it as another option beside light theme.
What do you think about this? is it a good idea? any comments?
its possible. To be honest with my eye sight the way it is i prefer light themes and if i go to a website that has a dark theme as there primary theme i leave straight away it is too hard to read with these squinty eyes
its possible. To be honest with my eye sight the way it is i prefer light themes and if i go to a website that has a dark theme as there primary theme i leave straight away it is too hard to read with these squinty eyes
Honest thought :d
Originally Posted by final kaoss
If your users want a dark & light theme, go for it. Might want to put up a poll first to see what their opinion is.
Oh and meisi, it's too bad that you don't like dark themes, Explorer is getting a darker theme.
It looks like you changed color there. I don't think it's default color.
I am liking to create a similar theme for my forum but with dark colors.
I do that with all of my sites.
Any job where staring at a screen is most of the work, it's a dark screen. Aircraft carriers, submarines, air traffic control, etc. It's just easier on the eyes than the white screens. So i always make sure to accommodate that with at least one dark style for folks.
My own personal preference is the dark themes as well.
Personally I've always preferred dark themes and my forum only provides dark theme options (which is okay, since we always had dark themes).
Aside from that I also use f.lux to give my screen an orange/brown hue at night to avoid eye strain.
Originally Posted by Max Taxable
I do that with all of my sites.
Any job where staring at a screen is most of the work, it's a dark screen. Aircraft carriers, submarines, air traffic control, etc. It's just easier on the eyes than the white screens. So i always make sure to accommodate that with at least one dark style for folks.
My own personal preference is the dark themes as well.
Thanks Dave and Max Taxable for sharing your thoughts.
According to you, dark theme can work for a hosting site? I am asking this because I am having a hosting forum and can want to have a dark style for it but not sure our members will like it.
You can always make a bright and dark theme version, then provide an easy and obvious way for your members to switch between the bright and dark theme.
You can always make a bright and dark theme version, then provide an easy and obvious way for your members to switch between the bright and dark theme.
Exactly. It does not matter if they like a dark style or not, you give them the option. And they "use what they choose."