Hello! I try to make custom plugin, and try to figure out, how I can use ajax requests for suitable changes in post content.
On hook
PHP Code:
/// Get code HTML
global $vbulletin, $post;
if (!function_exists ('handle_geshi_code'))
function handle_geshi_code($code, $lang)
require_once(DIR . '/geshi.php');
$codefind1 = array('<br>','<br />');
$codereplace1 = array('','');
$codefind2 = array('>','<','"','&','[',']',);
$codereplace2 = array('>','<','"','&','[',']',);
$code = rtrim(str_replace($codefind1, $codereplace1, $code));
$code = str_replace($codefind2, $codereplace2, $code);
$geshi = new GeSHi($code, $lang);
$geshi->set_overall_style('font-size: 12px');
$code = $geshi->parse_code();
$code = preg_replace('/&#([0-9]+);/', '&#$1;', $code);
$code = str_replace(array('[', ']'), array('[', ']'), $code);
return $code;
if ($this->is_wysiwyg())
$this->unparsed_tags = array(
and on
PHP Code:
$tag_list['no_option']['phps'] = array (
'callback' => 'handle_external',
'external_callback' => 'handle_geshi_php',
'disable_wordwrap' => true,
'strip_empty' => true
if (!function_exists ('handle_geshi_php'))
function handle_geshi_php(&$theobj, &$value, &$option)
$code = handle_geshi_code($value,'php');
return '<div class="bbcode_container"><div id="geshipars"><script type="text/javascript" src="/geshi/scripts/geshi.js"><span onclick="return myfn(' . $post['postid'] . ');">Click</span></a></div><div style="max-height: 300px;" class="bbcode_code">'.$code.'</div></div>';
with js:
function myfn(postid)
var sUrl = 'ajax_geshi.php';
but in debugger I have:
postid = undefined
So... whats right syntax for this operation?
And next... how I can resolve bbcode-parsed text from current post?