Is this a paid request OR are you looking for someone to help out if they can (for free) ?
Typically it's one way or the other and we would prefer to leave only one up.... however the for now I'm leaving this up until you reply back respectively, if I don't see a reply soon I'll simply retain the paid request .
sorry I am still trying to find the place were to post this, yes this is a paid request.
Ok no worries then! So you posted in the paid request and it mentions paying, this thread did not so another moderator spoke with me and explained that is the reason why he left both threads up. So based on his thoughts I'm leaving this up and that way perhaps someone will reply and help for free but since you have a paid request up as well simply keep an eye out for new pm's about it and when it's resolved/completed simply ask for the paid request to be deleted (then no more future pm's asking about the job ).
Originally Posted by ForceHSS
If its a paid request (you are willing to pay someone to do this for you) then it goes into paid section. Not that hard to work out
Ohh but it can be sometimes, if you're new to the site and/or unsure if someone will help for free or not and for a plethora of other reasons that neither you nor I often factor into the equation... this is however why I tend to not spit out "Not that hard to work out" or anything similar when making my replies because you know what they say about assuming don't you? HOWEVER did you mean that one way or another entirely? See my point... perspective gets us sometimes!
^ Not exactly, I'm saying perhaps I read into that wrong, I realized I might be so why I said that to make us both smile and acknowledge that, sometimes we simply misread and reply accordingly and that sometimes lack of voice/tone makes things seem iffy... also another reason I why I always include tons of smilies... can't go wrong using .