Exploit WAY Out of Control (file2store.info)
Alright, I know this exploit is probably leveraged through a hole in VBSEO, but wouldn't it be a good idea to perhaps make VBulletin customers aware of the security issue? I have stumbled upon eight forums affected by this exploit over the past 3 weeks (since I was infected myself) and that's without going out of my way. Each of these forums had VBSEO installed.
VBSEO staff claims that sites without their software installed are also affected, but I've yet to see any. I think the latest incarnation of this exploit targets VBSEO customers specifically. Their support forums are a complete mess of misinformation and finger-pointing, meanwhile the issue has not been decidedly resolved. Getting rid of this thing is extremely difficult.
If you're running VBSEO, it's probably a smart idea to check if you're infected. Clear cookies, run a search for your forums and click any random thread that comes up. You'll figure out immediately if you're affected.