[align=center]Google Wants To Replace Passwords With USB Keys And ?Smart Rings?[/align]
Who hasn?t forgotten a password a time or two? Or ten? Coupling password forgetfulness with identity theft is pushing Google to do away with typed-in passwords altogether. Google is researching ways to replace typed-in passwords with USB key rings and smart rings.
Typed-in passwords are not as safe as they were back when people first started using computers. Nowadays it?s easy and quite common for sites to get hacked and gather your personal information.
?Along with many in the industry, we feel passwords and simple bearer tokens such as cookies are no longer sufficient to keep users safe,? said Google Vice President of Security Eric Grosse and Engineer Mayank Upadhyay in their upcoming research paper in IEE Security & Privacy Magazine, according to Wired.
Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/487839/goog...sb4zlPxtTHs.99