Version: 4.0.002, by cellarius
Developer Last Online: Apr 2022
Category: Miscellaneous Hacks -
Version: 4.0.x
Released: 03-31-2010
Last Update: 04-02-2010
Installs: 44
Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
No support by the author.
This modification also works with vB3
(probably all versions > 3.5)
Oh, all that discussions on and elsewhere whether vB4 should support IE6 or not... now, while I think it should, because still a significant part of the userbase uses it, there's nothing against giving those users a friendly little hint.
What does this mod do?
Its quite simple, really - it just adds the code to show a small friendly notification bar at the top of the browsing area (like most browsers use). It will remind the user that he's using a rather old browser and should upgrade.
which gets added to the footer template right before the closing </body> tag. The javascript provided by can be found at
Which browsers are nagged?
At the moment, the popup shows for the users of Internet Expolorer <= 6, Firefox <= 2.0, Opera <= 10.01, Safari <= 2.0 (April 2010). This will be adapted by the provider from time to time. If you want to change this, please read under customization.
The bar detects the browser default language; if there's a translation, it will be used. If not, it's english, or you can force another language or use your own text (the latter seems not to work atm). Please see the next topic on customization. Available languages atm are en - de - it - es - pl - nl. If you want to post a translation here in the thread, I'll try and pass it on to The text is:
Your browser ($browser $version) is out of date. It has known security flaws and may not display all features of this and other websites. Learn how to update your browser
Yes, possible - but not supported in any way in this thread. Anyway, for easier appliance you can find the possible settings for parameters to pass to the javascript in AdminCP under the settings page for this mod. See screenshot. For details on customization options, see this page. Please note that the option to use custom text is not yet implemented properly, I have mailed the people at and filed a bug there.
You also can style the bar differently, if you want to. The necessary css-classes are also on the page linked above. I'd advise to put them into additional.css, if needed.
Suppoort on customization?
Sorry, If you want to customize the bar, you're on your own. It's not my code, this mod only provides the means to add it easily.
Version history
4.0.002 Added AdminCP settings to pass parameters to the javascript easily
4.0.001 Initial release
### Don't forget to click install! ###
(No support if you don't)
Heya... Just want to say nice addon. Just have a question though. This is the English version correct? I know you do both but the screenshot is in German.
Just have a question though. This is the English version correct? I know you do both but the screenshot is in German.
Theres several languages provided for, and it detects the language the browser uses (mine uses german ). So for you or your users it should be english or whatever they use. You also can force a language by adding parameters to the javascript code in the plugin, as described in the link I provided under customization.