Version: 1.00, by phumphries
Developer Last Online: Aug 2014
Category: Suite Style -
Version: 4.x.x
Released: 02-06-2011
Last Update: Never
Installs: 39
Re-useable Code Translations
No support by the author.
Hello, all.
My users rebelled when they saw the colour scheme in the vB4 Default style, and, try as I might, any styles that I generated with the Style Generator garnered comments such as "It looked good once I had blinded myself." That may be more a comment on my abilities than the utility of the Style Generator, though.
Since my vB3 styles and templates were no longer compatible with the vB4 suite, I tweaked 31 colours from the default template to create a more vB3-like colour scheme. This XML should work with any version of vB4, and you can easily read what I changed (although the values are only accessible to you once you have uploaded it).
Given my users' response to the 4.1.1 upgrade, I suspect that I will be maintaining this, if required, throughout the 4.x series.
If you are new to vB4's style management, you need to import the attached XML file in Styles & Templates > Download / Upload Styles > Import Style XML File in your Admin Control Panel. Save the XML to your computer, then browse to it to upload it. You want to Create a New Style and set its Parent Style to the vB4 Default Style. You may need to say "Yes" to Ignore Style Version, which you can safely do as I am only changing a few colours.
I captured a Front Page and Forums page using the colour palette and edited them a bit to shorten the images so that readers could get a look at the whole screen without too much repetition. I hope that they are helpful.
Originally Posted by reddyink
...this is simple and bring in all the rounded edges.
I tried the vB4 Blue style, but I really just wanted a different colour palette, not new icons and a custom look. So, I created this simple colour update, which inherits all the default styling (you can use any parent style you like, actually). Thanks for the positive feedback, though.
Originally Posted by OldSchoolDSL
I think this is the BEST vBulltin v3 theme look a like...
Thanks for the support! I was surprised to not be able to find one when I went looking, and I could not conquer the Style Generator's "purple" bias.
Anyone else looking to implement a harmonious colour palette could use this XML file as a guide to what stylevars to change, too. It is then pretty easy (hey, I managed it!) to export the "style" and post it, here.
Originally Posted by mitch84
...don't work with blog...
I did not customize any of the blog colours, but the global palette changes are persistent (if your blog is using a style that has this modification somewhere in its "parentage"). Is there something in particular that you noticed?
The only CMS-specific colours that I changed are vbcms_article_header_color and vbcms_navwidget_header_background. However, the overall style carries through for the general colours so that your entire suite has the same look and feel.
You can open the XML and read the elements that I changed, if you do not want to install it and look through the settings for the red highlighted elements.