Version: 2.0.2pl2, by DragonByte Tech
Developer Last Online: Mar 2023
Category: Major Additions -
Version: 4.x.x
Released: 10-31-2011
Last Update: 08-16-2017
Installs: 179
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
vBArcade is a professional modular flash arcade game system. Easily converts your old favorites, and finds thousands more with the click of a button.
This new modern arcade uses AJAX to enhance the playing experience and encourage users to compete both locally and globally among participating sites. Fine-tuned access and scoring tools allow you to keep competition fresh and exciting, as well as social network tools to bring new users in to your site!
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* It helps you to stay on top of updates - members who have installed modifications will be notified by us whenever new updates are available.
* For security issues - will contact all members who have installed a modification whenever a security issue is brought to their attention.
* Marking a modification as installed also helps us know how many people are using our work, giving us extra incentive to provide more features and new modifications.
We appreciate the support!
Major Features:
Access and Score Tools: Set exactly when users can play certain games, and for how often. Archive extra or old scores to allow room for new champions.
Social and Global: Not only can games be sent to all the major social networks, but participating sites can rank their scores together and display champions everywhere.
Beautiful Modern Design: Streamlined and professional, using AJAX to enhance and simplify the playing experience, like searching, replays, full screen and cinema mode, and category tabs.
Fast Paced Competition: Ultimate tournament system that rewards fast players while mitigating no-shows, allowing all your matches to finish strong, and everyone has fun.
Notable Features (Lite)
Modern streamlined appearance with AJAX for replay and searching
Tweet, Like, Pin, or +1 a game, and post your score to your Facebook wall
Forum block for latest scores/champions or any number sorted games
Easy game resizing and full screen
Featured and Suggested games while playing
Ajax ratings, and commenting
Set descriptions, instructions, controls, keywords
even authors and copyrights
Assign games to multiple categories
with icons descriptions
Use time played as backup score when other scoring is unsupported
Retrieve scores from global network of participating sites
See global champions with links
Automatically archive old or duplicate scores
Get alerts when your scores are beaten
Show off your trophy collection in your postbit
Maintain arcade statistics overall, per user, and per game
latest and champion scores
most winners and longest players
average scores, plays and playtime
yourself and locally
local rankings
Any local scoring game, with unique titles and descriptions
Shown as a detailed horizontal tree, while playing the game
Auto-prune tournaments that don't reach minimum players
Convert related settings from other arcades
Dedicated tournaments page with stats and personal standings
Game specific tournaments shown on tab, while playing game
Latest tournament shown on arcade portal
Invite/Reminder Email/PM alerts, with notifications
Each tournament sets number of play attempts per match
Active match highlighted, with clear status messages
Playing all attempts optional, can be manually forfeit/completed
Enforced time limit per match, or automatically forfeit/completed
Notifications throughout, or optional reminder Email/PM alert
Remaining attempts shown with live countdown for time limit
Select between best, latest, or average attempt as match score
Optionally hide scores until match is completed
Match ties broken by first player who reached that score
(Pro/Lite*) Knockout
Familiar multi-round format
Players pair up, winner of each match advances
Winner of the final round declared champion
Currently available up to 6 rounds (64 players)
Begins immediately on finally required player joining
Players who win their match can play next match prior to pairing
Friendly Challenges
Automatic 1 round tournament of 2 players, with preset config
Initiated from simple username prompt, while playing a game
Can disable certain games from eligibility
Auto-pruned if either player declines invitation
* Lite version limited to friendly challenge tournaments
Additional Features (Pro)
Submit your scores to the global network for global display
Show off the legacy champion even if you archived all scores
Automatically create a new thread/post on highscore
Cinema mode darkens the screen while you play
Mark games on your personal favorites list
Retrieve and display global stats to compare
Get all of your scores ranked globally, with function to sync local scores
Set passwords to your categories
Live countdowns shown for tournaments set in the future
Invite specific users and/or allow specific usergroups to join
Optionally auto-confirm all invited players to begin immediately
Create recurring tournaments and optionally rematch players
Optional privacy hides tournaments from nonparticipants
Track all matches, with results and standings, from admincp
Easily search, sort, begin, clone, mass delete from admincp
Optionally disallow practicing a game a player is competing in
Replays automatically switch to the relevant match with AJAX
Random player chosen to advance in a double forfeit
Fast players can advance to future rounds and pair up early
Optionally count tournament scores towards regular leaderboards
vBArcade exclusive round-robin format
Every player matches every other player once
Player with the best win record at the end declared champion
Supports any number of players, including odd
Begins at end of tournament countdown, if minimum is met
Players paired sequentially, then randomly with unplayed players
Players can move to new opponent even if match not decided
This mod displays a copyright notification in the footer of pages generated by this mod which includes:
1 Link to DragonByte Technologies homepage
1 Link to Product Description page of this modification
Installed and Nominated, will be buying the pro version shortly.
I notice on your site there are adverts whilst the game is loading, are they ads you have placed , is there an option to add our own adds from google adsense?.
Currently there is not an ad location for your site to use, however mochi and other game distributors have programs for you to opt into to share ad revenues.